100DaysOfCode using FreeCodeCamp - Week 13

100DaysOfCode using FreeCodeCamp - Week 13

I finished the 5 JavaScript projects and earned the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification!

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects

This is it — time to put your new JavaScript skills to work. These projects are similar to the algorithm scripting challenges you've done before – just much more difficult. ~FCC

The final 5 projects were:

  • Palindrome Checker
  • Roman Numeral Converter
  • Caesar's Cipher
  • Telephone Number Validator
  • Cash Register

The Palindrome Checker focused on manipulation of a given string that the algorithm must check and return true or false, ignoring punctuation and spacing.

The Roman Numeral Converter required the converting of numerals into a string based on information contained within an array.

Caesar's Cipher is a project that I had previously completed in Python; however, completing it in JS required a slightly different type of algorithmic thinking. For this project, a function must be created that takes an encoded string and returns a decoded string using an ROT13 cipher.

The Telephone Number Validator requires that a string, in the form of a US phone number, must be validated, returning true or false based on a combination of various formats. For this project, I used a site called regex101.com, which allows you to create and test regular expressions.

Finally, the Cash Register project requires the creation of a cash register drawer that takes 3 arguments: a purchase price, payment amount, and the cash in the drawer. The function(s) must return an object containing a status key and a change key. This project had the most lines of code of almost any other project. I spent multiple hours debugging and struggling to pass the various test cases.

This curriculum has helped me to think and examine problems in ways that I never had before. There were many times that I thought I would not make it through to the end, but now that I have, I am even more proud of my accomplishment.

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Next Week

Next week, I will be recapping my 100DaysOfCode Journey and making plans for the next 100 days!

Happy Holidays Everyone! 🎄 🕎 🎅 🎁

As Always, Thanks For Reading!❤️

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See you next week! 😀