Things don't always go according to plan... and that's ok.
This week, it was my goal to complete FreeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design projects, receive my first certification, and begin working on JS. Nevertheless, life and learning happen.
Life Happens
I get migraines. Prolonged reading on bright white screens, or the continuous flash of the live server updating as I code, are potential migraine triggers. Because of this, wherever possible, I set apps and websites to dark mode.
As you might have guessed, after a few days of working to complete my regular daily assignments along with last week's additional coding projects, I ended up with a migraine. Thus, I was not very productive for much of last week.
- Light sensitivity is just one of many important reasons to consider Web Content Accessibility Guidelines when creating websites and applications. Yuri has a great article on the subject, "The Case For Web Accessibility" .
Learning Happens
During the time that I was able to dedicate to creating projects this week, I realized that learning happens in a variety of ways. The 100DaysOfCode challenge not only creates the opportunity for me to foster the habit of practicing what I have learned, but also to develop the skills that are needed to research the answers to the questions that (always) arise along the way.
This week, I had difficulty understanding and remembering the CSS Flexbox and Grid properties. After much research, trial, and error, I finally began to understand the concepts. I also posted these cheat sheets on my wall next to my monitor.
Flexbox Cheat Sheet - Thank You Sumudu Siriwardana
Grid Cheat Sheet - Thank You Mariana Simon
Positioning Cheat Sheet - Thank You Pinterest
Responsive Web Design Projects
By working on these projects, you will get a chance to apply all of the skills, principles, and concepts you have learned so far: HTML, CSS, Visual Design, Accessibility, and more. - FCC
There are 5 projects to create in this course - Tribute Page, Survey Form, Product Landing Page, Technical Documentation Page, Personal Portfolio. For each project, there are lists of user stories, or requirements, that must be fulfilled. FreeCodeCamp provides an example of a passing project, as well as multiple ways of getting help or a hint.
The projects I completed this week include:
- Tribute Page
Survey Form
Product Landing Page
Next Week
My goal for next week is not to give up! Some days may be harder than others, but every day is an opportunity to learn and grow.