I am half way through my 100DaysOfCode!
I am also half way through FCC's JavaScript (JS) Algorithms and Data Structures curriculum!
This week I completed the Debugging and Basic Data Structures courses.
Debugging is the process of going through your code, finding any issues, and fixing them. - FCC
This course introduced how to use the JS console as well as to identify and correct the most common types of coding errors:
- syntax - such as Forgotten Parentheses, Brackets, Braces, and Quotes
- runtime - such as Infinite Loops
- logical - such as Off By One Errors
During this course, one of my favorite debugging tools was also introduced, console.log()
Basic Data Structures
In this Basic Data Structures course, you'll learn about the differences between arrays and objects, and which to use in different situations. -FCC
The first half of this course focused on storing and manipulating data within simple and multi-dimensional arrays. The lessons provided me with practice utilizing bracket notation and various JS methods. For example:
push() // adds element to the end of array;
pop() // removes element from end of array
shift() // removes first element from array
unshift() // adds element to beginning of array
slice() // returns a copy of array using (start, end) parameters, end not inclusive
splice() // removes and replaces array elements using (start, deleteCount, newElements) parameters
The Basic Data Structures course introduced the concept of JS objects. (A more in-depth look into object oriented programming is covered in a later course.) Within these lessons, I practiced modifying, removing, checking the existence of, and iterating over key-value pairs using dot and bracket notation, JS methods, and for ... in loops.
Next Week
Next week, I hope to complete another 2 courses -
- Basic Algorithm Scripting
- Object Oriented Programming