100DaysOfCode using FreeCodeCamp - Week 9

100DaysOfCode using FreeCodeCamp - Week 9


2 min read

Functions are supposed to be "fun" ... Right?!?

Functional Programing

Functional Programming is another popular approach to software development. In Functional Programming, code is organized into smaller, basic functions that can be combined to build complex programs. -FCC

Last week, with a lot of hard work, research, and patience, I learned the basics of Functional Programing. I went into last week thinking the Functional Programing course would be a breeze. I thought I would spend 1 - 2 days working through the lessons, and then move on to the more difficult Intermediate Algorithm Scripting.

The first few lessons focused on some of the principles of Functional Programing such as:

  1. Don't alter variables or objects
    • create new variables using the spread operator [...]
    • alter and return the new variable
  2. Declare function parameters
    • computations should not rely on global variables or objects

However, even after working through some of the problems and reviewing different variations of their answers, for some reason my mind could not comprehend high-order functions - map(), filter(); and reduce(). Multiple times during the week, I had to remind myself that just because I did not understand the concepts at first, did not mean that I never would.

Thus, after researching the MDN page on arrow functions, and Traversy Media's JavaScript Higher Order Functions & Arrays YouTube video, I finally began to grasp how these functions .... functioned ๐Ÿ˜‚ ... within the code.

Next Week

I hope next week to complete the course on Intermediate Algorithm Scripting. I also hope to remember that the path to learning to code is a marathon and not a sprint!

As Always, Thanks For Reading!โค๏ธ

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See you next week! ๐Ÿ˜€
