100DaysOfCode using FreeCodeCamp - Week 11

100DaysOfCode using FreeCodeCamp - Week 11

Yup, I am still working through Intermediate Algorithm Scripting. Still Here

So, in this article, I will discuss how to make it through these problems - when you don't know where to start. Start Here

Intermediate Algorithm Scripting

Now that you know the basics of algorithmic thinking, along with OOP and Functional Programming, test your skills with the Intermediate Algorithm Scripting challenges. ~FCC

First, I carefully read through the problem. Sometimes, multiple readings are required to ensure I understand what I am expected to do. Read The Insturctions

Next, I run through how I might solve the problem. If I come up with a clear plan of action (or at least part of one), I try it out. Try It!

If it works ... Great! Yes!

If it does not ... OOPS!

I use the Get Help / Get A Hint button and review the hints and provided solutions. Get Help

This part is important!

Pay Attention!

As soon as I see that what I am doing is not working, I search for help. This way, I am not stuck wasting hours working on the wrong thing. Dont Waste Time!

Often, one of the suggested solutions is similar to the plan that I had to solve the problem. Samesies!

Next, I review the suggested solution, taking note of each part to make sure I understand it.
How did you do this?

Then, I add any unfamiliar methods or properties to my Anki deck for later study. (How I study with Anki) Study! Study! Study!

Once I have a basic understanding of all the concepts, I return to the problem and try to solve it on my own. I did it!

Next Week

So now, with just a few more Intermediate Algorithm Scripting lessons left and continued study, I think that I am ready to tackle the 'more difficult' JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects.

As Always, Thanks For Reading!❤️

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See you next week! 😀