I got my first FCC certification!
The final two projects for the course were to create a Technical Documentation page and a Personal Portfolio . These projects provided me additional practice with CSS Grid and Flexbox. They also helped me to gain a better understanding of CSS measurement units - pixels, ems, rems, and percents.
I have been learning to code for a little over a year now; however, creating my first portfolio page is an accomplishment of which I am especially proud.
I Did It!
It took me longer than expected, (see week 3 recap) but I have finally completed FreeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design curriculum.
Due to continued health issues and the subsequent inability to work on the computer, this week's recap is posted a week late. Nevertheless, the delays and struggles make obtaining this certification even more significant.
Next Week
I have begun FCC's JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures curriculum. My goal for next week to work on the Basic JS course as well as to create HTML / CSS web designs.